Princeton University             09/2021-
Department of East Asian Studies
Ph.D. student
Columbia University             09/2019-05/2021
Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Master of Arts  
Peking University      09/2014-07/2018                                                                                       
Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Bachelor of Literature
English (advanced), Mandarin (native), German (elementary), Japanese (elementary).
COMMUNITY SERVICE                
Xingzhihui Group of EALAC, Columbia | Co-Chair             08/2020-05/2021
“Micro-Journal of Linguistics” | Chief Editor            06/2018-07/2019
Linguistics Club, Peking University | Co-Founder & Chair 09/2017-09/2018
Reading Group of Shiji, Peking University | Chair             09/2016-09/2017
TALKS & CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS                    
AOS 2024 Annual Meeting, Chicago |Speaker  03/2024
  • Presented “Building and Breaking Boundaries: Elementary Learning and the Management of Philological Knowledge in Early and Medieval Chinese Bibliographies.” 
"On Duan Yucai's Philological Contributions," Brief Talk, Jintan           07/2023
"Duan Yucai's Philological Toolbox," Brief Talk, Sichuan University          07/2023
"Recent Developments in Shuowen Studies," Talk, PKU,      06/2023
"The Conceptual History of Xiaoxue," Talk, PKU,      Speaker            06/2023
AOS 2023 Annual Meeting, LA| Speaker    03/2023
  • Presented "Reorganization of Philological Information: A Study on the Trans-genre of the Shuowen jiezi 說文解字 In the Print Era."
WBAOS 2022 Meeting, Tucson | Speaker    11/2022
  • Presented "Anti-imbrication: Ouyang Xiu’s Sense of the Past"
Digital Humanities (Stylometry) Workshop, Xingzhihui | Organizer                                    11/2020
The 1st and 2nd Workshop of Stylometry and Textual Studies | Speaker                      08-09/2020
  • Introduced the use of Stylo and Gephi
  • Presented “Shuojian and the Composition of the Zhuangzi.”
International Conference of Research on Wang Niansun and Wang Yinzhi | Speaker     11/2018
  • Presented  "Wang Niansun 'Du Huainan neipian zazhi houxu' yin wu er zhi wu li kao'"王念孫《<讀淮南內篇雜志>後序》“因誤而致誤”例考 [A Study on the Epilogue of Huainanzi Neipian Zazhi].
The 1st Youth Conference of Philology and Linguistics | Speaker              07/2018
  • Presented "Hanfei zi de 'Jielao' 'Yulao' yin Laozi kao"《韓非子》的《解老》《喻老》引《老子》考 [A Study on the Quoted Laozi in the Chapters of “Jielao” and “Yulao” in the Hanfeizi].
The 1st and 2nd Shiji Research Conference | Organizer & Speaker               12/2016; 11/2017
  • Presented  "Wu Yun yin yun shuo kao bian" 伍員音運說考辨 [A Study on the Pronunciation of Wu Yun’s Given Name].
  • Presented  "Shiji 'Jiang xiang biao' daoshu kao"《史記·將相表》倒書考 [A Study on the phenomenon of Upside-down-written Words in the ‘Chronological Chart of Generals and Chancellors’ of Shiji].
The Nineteenth Conference of Junzheng| Speaker                                  10/2017
  • Presented Mengzi mingci jufa yuyi cidian《孟子》名詞句法語義詞典 [Syntactical Semantics Dictionary of Nouns in Mencius].
The 3rd Undergraduate Forum of Classical Studies | Speaker              05/2015
  • Presented "Lun Lunyu 'bu yi qi dao de zhi' de 'de zhi'" 論《論語》不以其道得之得之” [A Study on de “to get” in the Analects].
AWARDS & HONORS                
2024 American Oriental Society Graduate Student Award      05/2024
First Prize Paper in the 1st Youth Conference of Philology and Linguistics                       07/2018
Excellent Graduate of Beijing Regular Higher Institutions             07/2018
Excellent Graduate of Peking University                        06/2018
Chun-Tsung Scholar         05/2018
Kwang-Hua Scholarship of Peking University                        12/2017
Merit Student of Peking University              2015-2017
Robin Li Scholarship of Peking University                        12/2016
Outstanding Team Leader of PKU Summer Social Practical Project              07/2015