Book List

This is a list of books that I have read through, from the first novel that I read at elementary school to the book that I have just finished. The books mainly lie in the fields of philology, history, linguistics, literature, and philosophy.


  1. 鲁滨逊漂流记,丹尼尔·笛福
  2. 海底两万里,凡尔纳
  3. 童年,在人间,高尔基
  4. 品三国,易中天
  5. 红楼梦,曹雪芹
  6. 雨季不再来,三毛
  7. 撒哈拉的故事,三毛
  8. 稻草人手记,三毛
  9. 温柔的夜,三毛
  10. 梦里花落知多少,三毛
  11. 万水千山走遍,三毛
  12. 送你一匹马,三毛
  13. 我的宝贝,三毛
  14. 滚滚红尘,三毛
  15. 亲爱的三毛,三毛
  16. 流星雨,三毛
  17. 苏东坡传,林语堂
  18. 美的历程,李泽厚
  19. 觅渡,梁衡
  20. 苏东坡黄州作品选,苏轼
  21. 李白传,李长之
  22. 雷雨,曹禺
  23. 边城,沈从文
  24. 郭沫若作品选,郭沫若
  25. D诗集
  26. 茵梦湖,施托姆
  27. 易卜生戏剧四种,易卜生
  28. 莎士比亚四大悲剧,莎士比亚
  29. 围城,钱钟书
  30. 追风筝的人,胡赛尼
  31. 偷影子的人,马克·李维
  32. 春秋左氏注,杨伯峻
  33. 云图,大卫·米切尔
  34. 堂吉诃德,塞万提斯
  35. 老子
  36. 论语译注,杨伯峻
  37. 语音学教程,林焘著 王韫佳修订
  38. 古汉语词汇纲要,蒋绍愚
  39. 看得见风景的房间,福斯特
  40. 了不起的盖茨比,菲茨杰拉德
  41. 喧哗与骚动,福克纳
  42. 质数的孤独,乔尔达诺
  43. 活着,余华
  44. 书剑恩仇录,金庸
  45. 射雕英雄传,金庸
  46. 侠客行,金庸
  47. 神雕侠侣,金庸
  48. 笑傲江湖,金庸
  49. 黄金时代,王小波
  50. 四书章句集注,朱熹
  51. 现代汉语词类研究,郭锐
  52. 倾城之恋,张爱玲
  53. 百年孤独,马尔克斯
  54. 现代汉语词汇,符淮青
  55. 绿野仙踪,鲍姆
  56. 尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记,拉格洛夫
  57. 野草,鲁迅
  58. 呐喊,鲁迅
  59. 彷徨,鲁迅
  60. 知堂文集,周树人
  61. 离婚,老舍
  62. 寒夜,巴金
  63. 子夜,茅盾
  64. 桥,废名
  65. 苏鲁支语录,尼采
  66. 呼兰河传,萧红
  67. 李家庄的变迁,赵树理
  68. 十四行集,冯至
  69. 故事新编,鲁迅
  70. 茶花女,小仲马
  71. 穆旦诗集,穆旦
  72. 微神,老舍
  73. 安娜卡列尼那,托尔斯泰
  74. 日出,曹禺
  75. 发达资本主义时代的抒情诗人,本雅明
  76. 普通语言学教程,索绪尔
  77. 孟子译注,杨伯峻
  78. 庄子集释,郭庆藩
  79. 经书浅谈,杨伯峻等
  80. 启迪,本雅明
  81. 卞之琳全集 诗集,卞之琳
  82. 三体,刘慈欣
  83. 青春之歌,杨沫
  84. 黑暗森林,刘慈欣
  85. 死神永生,刘慈欣
  86. 语言学的邀请,塞缪尔·早川
  87. 训诂方法论,徐刚
  88. 在细雨中呐喊,余华
  89. 黑骏马,张承志
  90. 棋王,阿城
  91. 中国当代文学主潮,陈晓明
  92. 语言学纲要,叶蜚声,徐通锵
  93. 萨勒姆的女巫,阿瑟·米勒
  94. 李长吉歌诗编年笺注,李贺
  95. 卖花女,萧伯纳
  96. 理想丈夫,王尔德
  97. 欲望号街车,田纳西·威廉姆斯
  98. E言
  99. 现代汉语虚词研究,马真
  100. 音韵学教程,唐作藩
  101. 坛经校勘,郭鹏
  102. 六组坛经敦煌读本,魏道衡
  103. 没有人给他写信的上校,马尔克斯
  104. 文学作品的多种解读,麦克尔·莱恩
  105. 西方美术史,丁宁
  106. 庄子今注今译,陈鼓应
  107. 汉语音韵学基础教程,刘晓楠
  108. 文字学概要,裘锡圭
  109. 公孙龙子悬解,王琯
  110. 生成语法理论 标准理论到最简方案,徐烈炯
  111. 山海经校注,袁珂
  112. 生成语法理论,徐烈炯
  113. 语法讲义,朱德熙
  114. 语法答问,朱德熙
  115. 现代汉语属性名词语义特征研究,许艳平
  116. 现代汉语语法研究教程,陆俭明
  117. 语言分析纲要,布洛赫,特雷杰
  118. 认知语言学概论,李福印
  119. 语言分析纲要,B.布洛赫,G.L.特雷杰
  120. 语言学中的逻辑,詹斯·奥尔伍德等
  121. 切韵音系,李荣 2016初次,2018.1.16-1.24第二次
  122. 切韵研究,邵荣芬
  123. 语音学教程,Ladfoged
  124. 汉语音韵,王力
  125. 汉语诗律学,上册 王力
  126. 尔雅译注,徐朝华
  127. 实验语音学教程,孔江平
  128. 汉语方言学基础教程,李小凡,项梦冰
  129. 汉语史稿,王力
  130. 韩非子集解,王先谦
  131. 俄罗斯语义学,张家骅
  132. 逸周书,丛书集成初编
  133. 逸周书校注译,黄怀信
  134. 史记,司马迁
  135. 史记会注考证,泷川资言
  136. 马氏文通,马建忠
  137. 训诂学概论,齐佩瑢
  138. 诗经韵读,王力
  139. 汉语语法史,王力2
  140. 格”辨,菲尔墨
  141. 训诂学,郭在贻
  142. 汉语功能语法研究,张伯江,方梅
  143. 中国话历史文法,太田辰夫
  144. 语义学教程,叶文曦
  145. 北京大學藏西漢竹書(肆)
  146. 训诂学概论,方一新
  147. 汉语词汇史,王力
  148. 古代汉语,郭锡良等
  149. 历史语言学中的比较方法,梅耶
  150. 20世纪中国语言学方法论研究,陈保亚
  151. 义疏学衰亡史,乔秀岩
  152. 健康的姓,姚锦仙,程红
  153. 现代汉语,沈阳、郭锐
  154. 心经
  155. 金剛經
  156. 校勘学大纲,倪其心
  157. 校勘学释例,陈垣
  158. 科学哲学,萨米尔·奥卡沙
  159. 古典文献学基础,董洪利
  160. 中国古代物质文化,孙机
  161. 古籍版本学,黄永年
  162. 目录学发微,余嘉锡
  163. 汉字构形学导论,王宁
  164. 清代版本图录,黄永年,贾二强
  165. 韵镜
  166. 广韵音切部分
  167. 古文字学初阶,李学勤 
  168. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone     JK.Rowling 
  169. 魏晋玄学论稿,汤用彤
  170. 西周的灭亡,李峰
  171. 诗经传笺
  172. 学术与政治,马克思·韦伯
  173. 三论宗章疏
  174. History,John H. Arnold.
  175. 汉语修辞学,王希杰
  176. 中国哲学十五讲,杨立华 2019.3-2019.4.11
  177. 西方哲学简史,赵敦华
  178. 中国古代简史,张帆
  179. Early China: A Social and Cultural History Li Feng
  180. 史讳举例,陈垣
  181. 汉官仪,刘敞
  182. The Corrupting Sea: A Study of Mediterranean History. Peregrine Horden and Nicholas Purcell.
  183. The Perception of The Environment  Tim Ingold
  184. The Political Landscape: Constellations of Authority in Early Complex Polities. Adam T. Smith2003. 
  185. The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia. James C. Scott 2009. 
  186. Sanctioned Violence in Early China.  Mark Edward Lewis1990. 
  187. Theorizing Myth: Narrative, Ideology, and Scholarship. Bruce Lincoln1999.
  188. Logics of History l: Social Theory and Social Transformation. William H. Sewell JR.2005.
  189. The Heir and the Sage: Dynastic Legend in Early China.(Revised). Sarah Allan
  190. Cultural Memory and Early Civilization: writing, remembrance and political imagination. Jan Assmann 2011. 
  191. Social Memory and State Formulation in Early China. Li Min. 2018.  
  192. Phantoms of Remembrance: Memory and Oblivion at the End of the First Millennium.  Patrick J. Geary. 1996.
  193. 上古汉语语法纲要,梅广,2015。
  194. The Politics of the Past in Early China. Vincent S. Leung.2019.  
  195. They Say, I Say. E4. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein. 2018. 
  196. Public Memory in Early China. Kenneth E. Brashier. 2014. 
  197. Bureaucracy and the State in Early China: Governing the Western Zhou. Li Feng 2008. 
  198. 商周金文,王辉,2006.  
  199. 漢字古音表稿,郭錫良.
  200. Explain Me This. Adele E. Goldberg. 2019.
  201. 段氏说文签记,王念孙. 
  202. 經學歷史,皮錫瑞,1959.  两次
  203. Economics, Partha Dasgupta, 2007.
  204. The History of Sexuality, vol1, An introduction. Michel Foucault. 2次
  205. We Have Never Been Modern. Bruno Latour. 1993. 
  206. Distant Horizons: Digital Evidence and Literary Change, Ted Underwood, 2019.
  207. 說文解字,許慎. 2014.9-2020.7.10,4次?
  208. 說文解字注. 段玉裁. 4次?
  209. 故訓匯纂,說文相關部分,宗福邦等.
  210. 周易注,王弼
  211. The Cambridge History of Ancient China. Loewe&Shaughnessy. 
  212. 孙子译注,李零. 
  213. 孝經譯注,胡平生. 
  214. The Aztecs, Michael Smith. 
  215. The Incas, Terence D’Altroy. 
  216. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Thomas Kuhn. 
  217. 古文字構形學,劉釗. 
  218. 荀子集解,王先謙. 
  219. 慎子集校集注,許富宏. 
  220. 世本,雷學淇輯. 
  221. 鄧析子校詮,王啓湘. 
  222. 尹文子校詮,王啓湘.
  223. 鬻子校理,锺肇鹏. 
  224. 世說新語彙校彙注彙評,周興陸. 
  225. 五經異義疏證,陳壽祺. 
  226. 青銅器和金文書體研究,李峰. 
  227. 《春秋》與漢道:兩漢政治與政治文化研究,陳蘇鎮. 2次
  228. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Samuel P. Huntington. 
  229. 清學札記,漆永翔. 
  230. 周禮注,鄭玄. 
  231. 鬼谷子集校集注,許富宏. 
  232. 揚雄方言校釋匯證,華學誠. 
  233. 釋名疏證補,王先謙. 
  234. 國語集解,徐元誥. 
  235. 穆天子傳匯校集釋,王貽樑、陳建敏. 
  236. 楚辭補注,洪興祖. 
  237. 列子集釋,楊伯俊. 
  238. 小爾雅集釋,遲鐸. 
  239. 尚書孔傳參正,王先謙. 
  240. 商君書錐指,蔣禮鴻. 
  241. 司馬法集釋,王震. 
  242. 陶淵明集箋注,袁行霈. 
  243. 墨子閒詁,孫詒讓. 
  244. 晏子春秋校注,張純一.  
  245. 文子疏義,王利器. 
  246. der, die, das.  
  247. 新書校注,閻振益、鍾夏.
  248. 鶡冠子校注,黃懷信.
  249. 急就篇校理,張傳官.
  250. 新語校注,王利器. 
  251. 戰國策箋證,范祥雍. 
  252. 儀禮注疏. 
  253. 禮記集解,孫希旦. 
  254. 大戴禮記彙校集解,方向東. 
  255. 春秋公羊傳注疏. 
  256. 春秋穀梁傳注疏. 
  257. 管子校注,黎翔鳳. 
  258. 呂氏春秋集釋,許維遹. 
  259. 申子,馬國翰輯.
  260. 連山,馬國翰輯.
  261. 歸藏,馬國翰輯.
  262. 子夏易傳,張㴻辑.
  263. 燕丹子.
  264. 尸子集本. 
  265. 甘石星經. 
  266. 吳子今註今譯.  
  267. 太公六韜今註今譯. 
  268. 黃石公三略今註今譯. 
  269. 尉繚子今註今譯. 
  270. 黃帝內經素問校注,郭靄春. 
  271. 黃帝內經靈樞注證發微,馬蒔. 
  272. 難經校注,凌耀星. 
  273. 神農本草經輯注,馬繼興. 
  274. 楚漢春秋,陸賈,洪頤煊輯.
  275. 氾勝之書,氾勝之. 
  276. 漢官. 
  277. 漢官解詁,王隆. 
  278. 漢制度,胡廣. 
  279. 漢舊儀,衛宏. 
  280. 漢官儀,應劭. 
  281. 漢官典職儀式選用,蔡質. 
  282. 漢儀,丁孚. 
  283. 四民月令,崔寔. 
  284. 新輯本桓譚新論,朱謙之. 
  285. 周髀算經. 
  286. 金匱要略校注,何任. 
  287. 淮南子集釋,何寧. 
  288. 京氏易傳校記,冒廣生. 
  289. 尚書大傳疏證,皮錫瑞. 
  290. 吳越春秋輯校彙考,周生春. 
  291. 申鑒注校補,孫啓治. 
  292. 韓詩外傳集釋,許維遹. 
  293. 白虎通疏證,班固. 
  294. Political Life in the Wake of the Plantation: Sovereignty, Witness, repaire. Deborah A. Thomas. 
  295. 安徽大學藏戰國竹簡(一),黃德寬、徐在國.  2次
  296. 阜陽漢簡詩經研究,胡平生、韓自強. 
  297. The Gift: The Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies, Marcel Mauss. 
  298. Claude Lévi-Strauss Saudades Do Brazil: A Photographic Memorio, Claude Lévi-Strauss. 
  299. 上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(一),馬承源. 
  300. 郭店楚墓竹簡,荊門市博物館. 
  301. 清華大學藏戰國竹簡(壹),李學勤主編. 
  302. Discourse on Colonialism, Aime Cesaire.
  303. The Protestant Ethics and the “Spirit” of Capitalism, Weber.
  304. Just A Song, Stephen Owen. 
  305. 清華大學藏戰國竹簡(拾壹),黃德寬主編. 
  306. 清華大學藏戰國竹簡(貳),李學勤主編. 
  307. Orality and Literacy, Walter Ong. 
  308. The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society. Jack Goody.
  309. From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307. M. H. Clanchy.
  310. History Without Chronology. Stefan Tanaka. 
  311. The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Elizabeth Eisenstein. 
  312. The Nature of the Book. Adrian Johns. 
  313. Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information before the Modern Age. Ann Blair. 
  314. S/Z: An Essay. Roland Barthes. 
  315. 古書通例,余嘉錫. 
  316. White Magic. Lothar Müller.
  317. 古書疑義舉例,俞樾.
  318. Empire of the Word: A Language History of the World. Nicholas Ostler.
  319. Worlds of Bronze and Bamboo: Sima Qian’s Conquest of History. Grant Hardy. 
  320. The Language of the Gods in the World of Men: Sanskrit, Culture, and Power in Premodern India. Sheldon Pollock. 
  321. The Freedom of Speech: Talk and Slavery in the Anglo-Caribbean World. Miles Ogborn.
  322. なかま1. 
  323. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Benedict Anderson.
  324. Becoming a Woman in the Age of Letters, Dena Goodman. 
  325. Confucius Beyond the Analects. Michael Hunter. 
  326. 華裘之蚤:晚清高官的日常煩惱,張劍. 
  327. 書林清話,葉德輝. 
  328. 中論解詁,孫啓治. 
  329. 西京雜記,劉歆/葛洪?
  330. 法言義疏,汪榮寶. 
  331. なかま2.
  332. 王念孫古韵分部研究(外一種),趙永磊. 
  333. 安徽大學藏戰國竹簡(二),黃德寬、徐在國主編. 
  334. 上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(四),馬承源主編. 
  335. 西廂記,王實甫. 
  336. 史通通釋,浦起龍. 
  337. 夾漈遺稿,鄭樵. 
  338. 太玄集注,司馬光. 
  339. 中國畫像石全集,卷1-5,8. 
  340. 漢畫總錄,卷1,10.  
  341. 說文解字義證,桂馥
  342. Ritual and its Consequences: An Essay on the Limit of Sincerity. Adam B Seligman, Robert P. Weller, Michael J. Puett, and Bennett Simon. 
  343. Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature. 4th ed. L. D. Reynolds and N. G. Wilson. 
  344. History of Classical Scholarship: From the Beginning to the End of the Hellenistic Age. Rudolf Pfeiffer. 
  345. The Homeric Scholia and the Aeneid: A Study of the Influence of Ancient Homeric Literary Criticism on Vergil. Robin R. Schlunk.
  346. 中國古籍裝訂修補技術,肖振棠,丁瑜. 
  347. Readers and Reading Culture in the High Roman Empire: A Study of Elite Communities, William A. Johnson. 
  348. Aulus Gellius and Roman Reading Culture: Text, Presence, and Imperial Knowledge in the Noctes Atticae. Joseph A. Howley. 
  349. Chinese Rare Books in American Collections. Soren Edgren. 
  350. The Web of Athenaeus. Christian Jacob. 
  351. 禮是鄭學:漢唐閒經典詮釋變遷史論稿,華喆. 
  352. Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity. Robert A. Kaster. 
  353. Christianity and the Transformation of the Book: Origen, Eusebius, and the Library of Caesarea. Anthony Grafton and Megan Williams. 
  354. Augustine the Reader: Meditation, Self/Knowledge, and the Ethics of Interpretation. Brian Stock.
  355. Space Between Words: The Origin of Silent Reading. Paul Saenger. 
  356. The Carolingians and the Written Word. Rosamond McKitterick. 
  357. Meeting with Remarkable Manuscripts: Twelve Journeys into the Medieval World. Christopher De Hamel. 
  358. The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages, Beryl Smalley. 
  359. English Friars and Antiquity in the Early Fourteenth Century. Beryl Smalley. 
  360. The Italian Renaissance and the Origins of the Modern Humanities: An Intellectual History, 1400–1800.
  361. Authorship and Publicity Before Print: Jean Gerson and the Transformation of Late Medieval Learning. Daniel Hobbins.
  362. Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture, Johan Huizinga. 
  363. The Book In the Renaissance. Andrew Pettegree. 
  364. Writing & Literacy in Early China: Studies from the Columbia Early China Seminar, eds.Li Feng and David Prager Branner. 
  365. Transforming the Republic of Letters: Pierre-Daniel Huet and European Intellectual Life, 1650–1720. April G. Shelford. 
  366. Dr. Woodward’s Shield: History, Science, and Satire in Augustan England , Joseph M. Levine. 
  367. Richard Bentley: Poetry and Enlightenment. Kristine Louise Haugen. 
  368. The Forbidden Best-sellers of Pre-Revolutionary France. Robert Darnton. 
  369. World Philology, eds. Sheldon Pollock, Benjamin A. Elman, and Ku-ming Kevin Chang. 
  370. Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices: A Global Comparative Approach, eds. Anthony Grafton and Glenn Most. 
  371. 新序校釋,石光瑛. 
  372. 北京大學藏西漢竹書(壹)
  373. 風俗通義校注,王利器.
  374. 列女傳補注,王照圓. 
  375. 今古學考,廖平. 
  376. Scripture, Canon, and Commentary: A Comparison of Confucian and Western Exegesis. John B. Henderson. 
  377. The Five “Confucian” Classics. Michael Nylan. 
  378. 春秋繁露義證,蘇輿. 
  379. Qu Yuan and the Chuci: New Approaches. Martin Kern and Stephen Owen. 
  380. Shuo wen jie zi dian zi ban: digital recession of the Eastern Han Chinese Grammaticon. Richard Sterling Cook Jr.
  381. Yang Xiong and the Pleasure of Reading and Classical learning in China. Michael Nylan. 
  382. The Origin and Early Development of the Chinese Writing System. William G. Boltz. 
  383. Orthography of Early Chinese Writing: Evidence from Newly Excavated Manuscripts. Imre Galambos. 
  384. The Writing System of Scribe Zhou: Studies in Manuscript Culture. Harte Park. 
  385. 文本革命:《漢書·藝文志》與早期文本研究,徐建委. 
  386. Information: A Historical Companion. Eds. Ann Blair, Paul Duguid, Anja-Silavia Goeing, and Anthony Grafton. 
  387. From Philosophy to Philology: Intellectual and Social Aspects of Changes in Late Imperial China. Benjamin A. Elman. 
  388. China’s Philological Turn: Scholars, Textualism, and the Dao in the Eighteenth Century. Ori Sela. 
  389. Leibniz Discovers Asia: Social Networking in the Republic of Letter. Michael Carhart. 
  390. The Maker of Pedigrees: Jakob Wilhelm Imhoff and the Meanings of Genealogy in Early Modern Europe. Markus Friedrich. 
  391. The Information Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Paul M. Dover. 
  392. Information and Communication in Venice: Rethinking Early Modern Politics. Filippo de Vivo. 
  393. Witchcraft and the Rise of the First Confucian Empire. Liang Cai. 
  394. In Pursuit of the Great Pease: Han Dynasty Classicism and the Making of Early Medieval Literati Culture. Zhao Lu. 
  395. The Birth of the Archive: A History of Knowledge. Markus Friedrich. 
  396. Making Archives in Early Modern Europe: Proof, Information, and Political Record-Keeping, 1400-1700. Randolph C. Head. 
  397. Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression. Jacques Derrida. 
  398. Early Chinese Manuscript Collections: Sayings, Memory, Verse, and Knowledge. Rens Krijgsman. 
  399. The Embodied Text: Establishing Textual Identity in Early Chinese ManuscriptsMatthias Richter.
  400. Written on Bamboo and Silk: The Beginnings of Chinese Books and Inscriptions. 2nd ed. Tsien Tsuen-hsuin.
  401. Methodological Issues in the Study of Early Chinese Manuscripts: Papers from the Second Hamburg Tomb Text Workshop.  Matthias Richter.
  402.  Critics and Commentator: The Book of Poems as Classic and Literature. Bruce Rusk. 
  403. 尚書學史,劉起釪.
  404. Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy: Studies in the Composition and Thought of the Shangshu (Classic of Documents). Martin Kern and Dirk Meyer. 
  405.  Hernando Colon’s New World of Books: Toward a Cartography of Knowledge. José María Pérez Fernández and Edward Wilson-Lee. 
  406. The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books. Edward Wilson-Lee. 
  407. The Lure of Antiquity and the Cult of the Machine. Horst Berdekamp. 
  408. Possessing Nature: Museums, Collecting, and Scientific Culture in Early Modern Italy. Paula Findlen. 
  409. The I Ching: A Biography. Richard J. Smith. 
  410.  Dong Zhongshu, a ‘Confucian’ Heritage and the Chunqiu fanlu. Michael Loewe. 
  411. Autour du Traité des rites : de la ritualizatio du ritual à la ritualization de la société. Cheng, Anne, Stéphane Feuillas, and Joseph Ciaudo. 
  412. 秦汉國家祭祀史稿,田天. 
  413. Miscellaneous Order: Manuscript Culture and the Early Modern Organization of Knowledge. Angus Vine. 
  414. The Footnote: A Curious History. Anthony Grafton. 
  415. Index, A History of the: A Bookish Adventure from Medieval Manuscripts to the Digital Age. Dennis Duncan. 
  416. You Could Look It up: The Reference Shelf from Ancient Babylon to Wikipedia. Jack Lynch. 
  417. Po Hu T’ung: The Comprehensive Discussions in the White Tiger Hall. Tjan Tjoe Som. 
  418. 漢代洪範五行學:一種異質性知識的經學化,程蘇東. 
  419. Confucius and the Analects Revisited: New Perspectives on Composition, Dating, and Authorship. Michael Hunter and Martin Kern. 
  420. Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and the Making of Heritage. John Considine. 
  421. Academy Dictionaries 1600-1800. John Considine. 
  422. Sixteenth-Century English Dictionaries. John Considine. 
  423. Caught in the Web of Words: James A. H. Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary. K. M. Elizabeth Murray. 
  424. That Wonderful Composite Called Author: Authorship in East Asian Literature from the Beginnings to the Seventeenth Century. Christian Schwermann and Raji C. Steineck.
  425. Authorship and Cultural Identity in Early Greece and China: Patterns of Literary Circulation. Alexander Beecroft. 
  426. Reading Sima Qian from Han to Song: The Father of History in Pre-Modern China. Esther Sunkyung Klein. 
  427. Authorship and Text-Making in Early China. Hanmo Zhang. 
  428. The Letter to Ren An and Sima Qian’s Legacy. Stephen Durrant, Wai-Yee Li, Michael Nylan, and Hans van Ess.
  429. Writing and Authority in Early China. Mark Edward Lewis.
  430. Rewriting Early Chinese Text. Edward L. Shaughnessy. 
  431. Philosophy on Bamboo: Text and the Production of Meaning in Early China. Dirk Meyer. 
  432. The Mozi as an Evolving Text: Different Voices in Early Chinese Thought. Carine Defoort and Nicholas Standaert. 
  433. The Huainanzi and Textual Production in Early China. Sarah A. Queen and Michael Puett. 
  434. The Wenzi: Creativity and Intertextuality in Early Chinese Philosophy. Paul van Els. 
  435. The Making of Early Chinese Classical Poetry. Stephen Owen. 
  436. Text and Ritual in Early China. Martin Kern. 
  437. The Specter of the Archive: Political Practice and the Information State in Early Modern Britain. Nicholas Popper.
  438. Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture. Anthony Grafton.