This is a list of books that I have read through, from the first novel that I read at elementary school to the book that I have just finished. The books mainly lie in the fields of philology, history, linguistics, literature, and philosophy.
- 鲁滨逊漂流记,丹尼尔·笛福
- 海底两万里,凡尔纳
- 童年,在人间,高尔基
- 品三国,易中天
- 红楼梦,曹雪芹
- 雨季不再来,三毛
- 撒哈拉的故事,三毛
- 稻草人手记,三毛
- 温柔的夜,三毛
- 梦里花落知多少,三毛
- 万水千山走遍,三毛
- 送你一匹马,三毛
- 我的宝贝,三毛
- 滚滚红尘,三毛
- 亲爱的三毛,三毛
- 流星雨,三毛
- 苏东坡传,林语堂
- 美的历程,李泽厚
- 觅渡,梁衡
- 苏东坡黄州作品选,苏轼
- 李白传,李长之
- 雷雨,曹禺
- 边城,沈从文
- 郭沫若作品选,郭沫若
- D诗集
- 茵梦湖,施托姆
- 易卜生戏剧四种,易卜生
- 莎士比亚四大悲剧,莎士比亚
- 围城,钱钟书
- 追风筝的人,胡赛尼
- 偷影子的人,马克·李维
- 春秋左氏注,杨伯峻
- 云图,大卫·米切尔
- 堂吉诃德,塞万提斯
- 老子
- 论语译注,杨伯峻
- 语音学教程,林焘著 王韫佳修订
- 古汉语词汇纲要,蒋绍愚
- 看得见风景的房间,福斯特
- 了不起的盖茨比,菲茨杰拉德
- 喧哗与骚动,福克纳
- 质数的孤独,乔尔达诺
- 活着,余华
- 书剑恩仇录,金庸
- 射雕英雄传,金庸
- 侠客行,金庸
- 神雕侠侣,金庸
- 笑傲江湖,金庸
- 黄金时代,王小波
- 四书章句集注,朱熹
- 现代汉语词类研究,郭锐
- 倾城之恋,张爱玲
- 百年孤独,马尔克斯
- 现代汉语词汇,符淮青
- 绿野仙踪,鲍姆
- 尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记,拉格洛夫
- 野草,鲁迅
- 呐喊,鲁迅
- 彷徨,鲁迅
- 知堂文集,周树人
- 离婚,老舍
- 寒夜,巴金
- 子夜,茅盾
- 桥,废名
- 苏鲁支语录,尼采
- 呼兰河传,萧红
- 李家庄的变迁,赵树理
- 十四行集,冯至
- 故事新编,鲁迅
- 茶花女,小仲马
- 穆旦诗集,穆旦
- 微神,老舍
- 安娜卡列尼那,托尔斯泰
- 日出,曹禺
- 发达资本主义时代的抒情诗人,本雅明
- 普通语言学教程,索绪尔
- 孟子译注,杨伯峻
- 庄子集释,郭庆藩
- 经书浅谈,杨伯峻等
- 启迪,本雅明
- 卞之琳全集 诗集,卞之琳
- 三体,刘慈欣
- 青春之歌,杨沫
- 黑暗森林,刘慈欣
- 死神永生,刘慈欣
- 语言学的邀请,塞缪尔·早川
- 训诂方法论,徐刚
- 在细雨中呐喊,余华
- 黑骏马,张承志
- 棋王,阿城
- 中国当代文学主潮,陈晓明
- 语言学纲要,叶蜚声,徐通锵
- 萨勒姆的女巫,阿瑟·米勒
- 李长吉歌诗编年笺注,李贺
- 卖花女,萧伯纳
- 理想丈夫,王尔德
- 欲望号街车,田纳西·威廉姆斯
- E言
- 现代汉语虚词研究,马真
- 音韵学教程,唐作藩
- 坛经校勘,郭鹏
- 六组坛经敦煌读本,魏道衡
- 没有人给他写信的上校,马尔克斯
- 文学作品的多种解读,麦克尔·莱恩
- 西方美术史,丁宁
- 庄子今注今译,陈鼓应
- 汉语音韵学基础教程,刘晓楠
- 文字学概要,裘锡圭
- 公孙龙子悬解,王琯
- 生成语法理论 标准理论到最简方案,徐烈炯
- 山海经校注,袁珂
- 生成语法理论,徐烈炯
- 语法讲义,朱德熙
- 语法答问,朱德熙
- 现代汉语属性名词语义特征研究,许艳平
- 现代汉语语法研究教程,陆俭明
- 语言分析纲要,布洛赫,特雷杰
- 认知语言学概论,李福印
- 语言分析纲要,B.布洛赫,G.L.特雷杰
- 语言学中的逻辑,詹斯·奥尔伍德等
- 切韵音系,李荣 2016初次,2018.1.16-1.24第二次
- 切韵研究,邵荣芬
- 语音学教程,Ladfoged
- 汉语音韵,王力
- 汉语诗律学,上册 王力
- 尔雅译注,徐朝华
- 实验语音学教程,孔江平
- 汉语方言学基础教程,李小凡,项梦冰
- 汉语史稿,王力
- 韩非子集解,王先谦
- 俄罗斯语义学,张家骅
- 逸周书,丛书集成初编
- 逸周书校注译,黄怀信
- 史记,司马迁
- 史记会注考证,泷川资言
- 马氏文通,马建忠
- 训诂学概论,齐佩瑢
- 诗经韵读,王力
- 汉语语法史,王力2
- 格”辨,菲尔墨
- 训诂学,郭在贻
- 汉语功能语法研究,张伯江,方梅
- 中国话历史文法,太田辰夫
- 语义学教程,叶文曦
- 北京大學藏西漢竹書(肆)
- 训诂学概论,方一新
- 汉语词汇史,王力
- 古代汉语,郭锡良等
- 历史语言学中的比较方法,梅耶
- 20世纪中国语言学方法论研究,陈保亚
- 义疏学衰亡史,乔秀岩
- 健康的姓,姚锦仙,程红
- 现代汉语,沈阳、郭锐
- 心经
- 金剛經
- 校勘学大纲,倪其心
- 校勘学释例,陈垣
- 中國古文獻學史簡編,孫欽善.
- 科学哲学,萨米尔·奥卡沙
- 古典文献学基础,董洪利
- 中国古代物质文化,孙机
- 古籍版本学,黄永年
- 目录学发微,余嘉锡
- 汉字构形学导论,王宁
- 清代版本图录,黄永年,贾二强
- 韵镜
- 广韵音切部分
- 古文字学初阶,李学勤
- Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone JK.Rowling
- 魏晋玄学论稿,汤用彤
- 西周的灭亡,李峰
- 诗经传笺
- 学术与政治,马克思·韦伯
- 三论宗章疏
- History,John H. Arnold.
- 汉语修辞学,王希杰
- 中国哲学十五讲,杨立华 2019.3-2019.4.11
- 西方哲学简史,赵敦华
- 中国古代简史,张帆
- Early China: A Social and Cultural History Li Feng
- 史讳举例,陈垣
- 汉官仪,刘敞
- The Corrupting Sea: A Study of Mediterranean History. Peregrine Horden and Nicholas Purcell.
- The Perception of The Environment Tim Ingold
- The Political Landscape: Constellations of Authority in Early Complex Polities. Adam T. Smith2003.
- The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia. James C. Scott 2009.
- Sanctioned Violence in Early China. Mark Edward Lewis1990.
- Theorizing Myth: Narrative, Ideology, and Scholarship. Bruce Lincoln1999.
- Logics of History l: Social Theory and Social Transformation. William H. Sewell JR.2005.
- The Heir and the Sage: Dynastic Legend in Early China.(Revised). Sarah Allan
- Cultural Memory and Early Civilization: writing, remembrance and political imagination. Jan Assmann 2011.
- Social Memory and State Formulation in Early China. Li Min. 2018.
- Phantoms of Remembrance: Memory and Oblivion at the End of the First Millennium. Patrick J. Geary. 1996.
- 上古汉语语法纲要,梅广,2015。
- The Politics of the Past in Early China. Vincent S. Leung.2019.
- They Say, I Say. E4. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein. 2018.
- Public Memory in Early China. Kenneth E. Brashier. 2014.
- Bureaucracy and the State in Early China: Governing the Western Zhou. Li Feng 2008.
- 商周金文,王辉,2006.
- 漢字古音表稿,郭錫良.
- Explain Me This. Adele E. Goldberg. 2019.
- 段氏说文签记,王念孙.
- 六書音均表,段玉裁.
- 經學歷史,皮錫瑞,1959. 两次
- Economics, Partha Dasgupta, 2007.
- The History of Sexuality, vol1, An introduction. Michel Foucault. 2次
- We Have Never Been Modern. Bruno Latour. 1993.
- Distant Horizons: Digital Evidence and Literary Change, Ted Underwood, 2019.
- 說文解字,許慎. 4次
- 說文解字注. 段玉裁. 4次
- 故訓匯纂,說文相關部分,宗福邦等.
- 周易注,王弼
- The Cambridge History of Ancient China. Loewe&Shaughnessy.
- 孙子译注,李零.
- 孝經譯注,胡平生.
- The Aztecs, Michael Smith.
- The Incas, Terence D’Altroy.
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Thomas Kuhn.
- 古文字構形學,劉釗.
- 荀子集解,王先謙.
- 慎子集校集注,許富宏.
- 世本,雷學淇輯.
- 鄧析子校詮,王啓湘.
- 尹文子校詮,王啓湘.
- 鬻子校理,锺肇鹏.
- 世說新語彙校彙注彙評,周興陸.
- 五經異義疏證,陳壽祺.
- 青銅器和金文書體研究,李峰.
- 《春秋》與漢道:兩漢政治與政治文化研究,陳蘇鎮. 2次
- The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Samuel P. Huntington.
- 清學札記,漆永翔.
- 周禮注,鄭玄.
- 鬼谷子集校集注,許富宏.
- 揚雄方言校釋匯證,華學誠.
- 釋名疏證補,王先謙.
- 國語集解,徐元誥.
- 穆天子傳匯校集釋,王貽樑、陳建敏.
- 楚辭補注,洪興祖.
- 列子集釋,楊伯俊.
- 小爾雅集釋,遲鐸.
- 尚書孔傳參正,王先謙.
- 商君書錐指,蔣禮鴻.
- 司馬法集釋,王震.
- 陶淵明集箋注,袁行霈.
- 墨子閒詁,孫詒讓.
- 晏子春秋校注,張純一.
- 文子疏義,王利器.
- der, die, das.
- 新書校注,閻振益、鍾夏.
- 鶡冠子校注,黃懷信.
- 急就篇校理,張傳官.
- 新語校注,王利器.
- 戰國策箋證,范祥雍.
- 儀禮注疏.
- 禮記集解,孫希旦.
- 大戴禮記彙校集解,方向東.
- 春秋公羊傳注疏.
- 春秋穀梁傳注疏.
- 管子校注,黎翔鳳.
- 呂氏春秋集釋,許維遹.
- 申子,馬國翰輯.
- 連山,馬國翰輯.
- 歸藏,馬國翰輯.
- 子夏易傳,張㴻辑.
- 燕丹子.
- 尸子集本.
- 甘石星經.
- 吳子今註今譯.
- 太公六韜今註今譯.
- 黃石公三略今註今譯.
- 尉繚子今註今譯.
- 黃帝內經素問校注,郭靄春.
- 黃帝內經靈樞注證發微,馬蒔.
- 難經校注,凌耀星.
- 神農本草經輯注,馬繼興.
- 楚漢春秋,陸賈,洪頤煊輯.
- 氾勝之書,氾勝之.
- 漢官.
- 漢官解詁,王隆.
- 漢制度,胡廣.
- 漢舊儀,衛宏.
- 漢官儀,應劭.
- 漢官典職儀式選用,蔡質.
- 漢儀,丁孚.
- 四民月令,崔寔.
- 新輯本桓譚新論,朱謙之.
- 周髀算經.
- 金匱要略校注,何任.
- 淮南子集釋,何寧.
- 京氏易傳校記,冒廣生.
- 尚書大傳疏證,皮錫瑞.
- 吳越春秋輯校彙考,周生春.
- 申鑒注校補,孫啓治.
- 韓詩外傳集釋,許維遹.
- 白虎通疏證,班固.
- Political Life in the Wake of the Plantation: Sovereignty, Witness, repaire. Deborah A. Thomas.
- 安徽大學藏戰國竹簡(一),黃德寬、徐在國. 2次
- 阜陽漢簡詩經研究,胡平生、韓自強.
- The Gift: The Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies, Marcel Mauss.
- Claude Lévi-Strauss Saudades Do Brazil: A Photographic Memorio, Claude Lévi-Strauss.
- 上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(一),馬承源.
- 郭店楚墓竹簡,荊門市博物館.
- 清華大學藏戰國竹簡(壹),李學勤主編.
- Discourse on Colonialism, Aime Cesaire.
- The Protestant Ethics and the “Spirit” of Capitalism, Weber.
- Just A Song, Stephen Owen.
- 清華大學藏戰國竹簡(拾壹),黃德寬主編.
- 清華大學藏戰國竹簡(貳),李學勤主編.
- Orality and Literacy, Walter Ong.
- The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society. Jack Goody.
- From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307. M. H. Clanchy.
- History Without Chronology. Stefan Tanaka.
- The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Elizabeth Eisenstein.
- The Nature of the Book. Adrian Johns.
- Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information before the Modern Age. Ann Blair.
- S/Z: An Essay. Roland Barthes.
- 古書通例,余嘉錫.
- White Magic. Lothar Müller.
- 古書疑義舉例,俞樾.
- Empire of the Word: A Language History of the World. Nicholas Ostler.
- Worlds of Bronze and Bamboo: Sima Qian’s Conquest of History. Grant Hardy.
- The Language of the Gods in the World of Men: Sanskrit, Culture, and Power in Premodern India. Sheldon Pollock.
- The Freedom of Speech: Talk and Slavery in the Anglo-Caribbean World. Miles Ogborn.
- なかま1.
- Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Benedict Anderson.
- Becoming a Woman in the Age of Letters, Dena Goodman.
- Confucius Beyond the Analects. Michael Hunter.
- 華裘之蚤:晚清高官的日常煩惱,張劍.
- 書林清話,葉德輝.
- 中論解詁,孫啓治.
- 西京雜記,劉歆/葛洪?
- 法言義疏,汪榮寶.
- なかま2.
- 王念孫古韵分部研究(外一種),趙永磊.
- 安徽大學藏戰國竹簡(二),黃德寬、徐在國主編.
- 上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(四),馬承源主編.
- 西廂記,王實甫.
- 史通通釋,浦起龍.
- 夾漈遺稿,鄭樵.
- 太玄集注,司馬光.
- 中國畫像石全集,卷1-5,8.
- 漢畫總錄,卷1,10.
- 說文解字義證,桂馥
- Ritual and its Consequences: An Essay on the Limit of Sincerity. Adam B Seligman, Robert P. Weller, Michael J. Puett, and Bennett Simon.
- Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature. 4th ed. L. D. Reynolds and N. G. Wilson.
- History of Classical Scholarship: From the Beginning to the End of the Hellenistic Age. Rudolf Pfeiffer.
- The Homeric Scholia and the Aeneid: A Study of the Influence of Ancient Homeric Literary Criticism on Vergil. Robin R. Schlunk.
- 中國古籍裝訂修補技術,肖振棠,丁瑜.
- Readers and Reading Culture in the High Roman Empire: A Study of Elite Communities, William A. Johnson.
- Aulus Gellius and Roman Reading Culture: Text, Presence, and Imperial Knowledge in the Noctes Atticae. Joseph A. Howley.
- Chinese Rare Books in American Collections. Soren Edgren.
- The Web of Athenaeus. Christian Jacob.
- 禮是鄭學:漢唐閒經典詮釋變遷史論稿,華喆.
- Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity. Robert A. Kaster.
- Christianity and the Transformation of the Book: Origen, Eusebius, and the Library of Caesarea. Anthony Grafton and Megan Williams.
- Augustine the Reader: Meditation, Self/Knowledge, and the Ethics of Interpretation. Brian Stock.
- Space Between Words: The Origin of Silent Reading. Paul Saenger.
- The Carolingians and the Written Word. Rosamond McKitterick.
- Meeting with Remarkable Manuscripts: Twelve Journeys into the Medieval World. Christopher De Hamel.
- The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages, Beryl Smalley.
- English Friars and Antiquity in the Early Fourteenth Century. Beryl Smalley.
- The Italian Renaissance and the Origins of the Modern Humanities: An Intellectual History, 1400–1800.
- Authorship and Publicity Before Print: Jean Gerson and the Transformation of Late Medieval Learning. Daniel Hobbins.
- Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture, Johan Huizinga.
- The Book In the Renaissance. Andrew Pettegree.
- Writing & Literacy in Early China: Studies from the Columbia Early China Seminar, eds.Li Feng and David Prager Branner.
- Transforming the Republic of Letters: Pierre-Daniel Huet and European Intellectual Life, 1650–1720. April G. Shelford.
- Dr. Woodward’s Shield: History, Science, and Satire in Augustan England , Joseph M. Levine.
- Richard Bentley: Poetry and Enlightenment. Kristine Louise Haugen.
- The Forbidden Best-sellers of Pre-Revolutionary France. Robert Darnton.
- World Philology, eds. Sheldon Pollock, Benjamin A. Elman, and Ku-ming Kevin Chang.
- Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices: A Global Comparative Approach, eds. Anthony Grafton and Glenn Most.
- 新序校釋,石光瑛.
- 北京大學藏西漢竹書(壹)
- 風俗通義校注,王利器.
- 列女傳補注,王照圓.
- 今古學考,廖平.
- Scripture, Canon, and Commentary: A Comparison of Confucian and Western Exegesis. John B. Henderson.
- The Five “Confucian” Classics. Michael Nylan.
- 春秋繁露義證,蘇輿.
- Qu Yuan and the Chuci: New Approaches. Martin Kern and Stephen Owen.
- Shuo wen jie zi dian zi ban: digital recession of the Eastern Han Chinese Grammaticon. Richard Sterling Cook Jr.
- Yang Xiong and the Pleasure of Reading and Classical learning in China. Michael Nylan.
- The Origin and Early Development of the Chinese Writing System. William G. Boltz.
- Orthography of Early Chinese Writing: Evidence from Newly Excavated Manuscripts. Imre Galambos.
- The Writing System of Scribe Zhou: Studies in Manuscript Culture. Harte Park.
- 文本革命:《漢書·藝文志》與早期文本研究,徐建委.
- Information: A Historical Companion. Eds. Ann Blair, Paul Duguid, Anja-Silavia Goeing, and Anthony Grafton.
- From Philosophy to Philology: Intellectual and Social Aspects of Changes in Late Imperial China. Benjamin A. Elman.
- China’s Philological Turn: Scholars, Textualism, and the Dao in the Eighteenth Century. Ori Sela.
- Leibniz Discovers Asia: Social Networking in the Republic of Letter. Michael Carhart.
- The Maker of Pedigrees: Jakob Wilhelm Imhoff and the Meanings of Genealogy in Early Modern Europe. Markus Friedrich.
- The Information Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Paul M. Dover.
- Information and Communication in Venice: Rethinking Early Modern Politics. Filippo de Vivo.
- Witchcraft and the Rise of the First Confucian Empire. Liang Cai.
- In Pursuit of the Great Pease: Han Dynasty Classicism and the Making of Early Medieval Literati Culture. Zhao Lu.
- The Birth of the Archive: A History of Knowledge. Markus Friedrich.
- Making Archives in Early Modern Europe: Proof, Information, and Political Record-Keeping, 1400-1700. Randolph C. Head.
- Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression. Jacques Derrida.
- Early Chinese Manuscript Collections: Sayings, Memory, Verse, and Knowledge. Rens Krijgsman.
- The Embodied Text: Establishing Textual Identity in Early Chinese Manuscripts. Matthias Richter.
- Written on Bamboo and Silk: The Beginnings of Chinese Books and Inscriptions. 2nd ed. Tsien Tsuen-hsuin.
- Methodological Issues in the Study of Early Chinese Manuscripts: Papers from the Second Hamburg Tomb Text Workshop. Matthias Richter.
- Critics and Commentator: The Book of Poems as Classic and Literature. Bruce Rusk.
- 尚書學史,劉起釪.
- Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy: Studies in the Composition and Thought of the Shangshu (Classic of Documents). Martin Kern and Dirk Meyer.
- Hernando Colon’s New World of Books: Toward a Cartography of Knowledge. José María Pérez Fernández and Edward Wilson-Lee.
- The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books. Edward Wilson-Lee.
- The Lure of Antiquity and the Cult of the Machine. Horst Berdekamp.
- Possessing Nature: Museums, Collecting, and Scientific Culture in Early Modern Italy. Paula Findlen.
- The I Ching: A Biography. Richard J. Smith.
- Dong Zhongshu, a ‘Confucian’ Heritage and the Chunqiu fanlu. Michael Loewe.
- Autour du Traité des rites : de la ritualizatio du ritual à la ritualization de la société. Cheng, Anne, Stéphane Feuillas, and Joseph Ciaudo.
- 秦汉國家祭祀史稿,田天.
- Miscellaneous Order: Manuscript Culture and the Early Modern Organization of Knowledge. Angus Vine.
- The Footnote: A Curious History. Anthony Grafton.
- Index, A History of the: A Bookish Adventure from Medieval Manuscripts to the Digital Age. Dennis Duncan.
- You Could Look It up: The Reference Shelf from Ancient Babylon to Wikipedia. Jack Lynch.
- Po Hu T’ung: The Comprehensive Discussions in the White Tiger Hall. Tjan Tjoe Som.
- 漢代洪範五行學:一種異質性知識的經學化,程蘇東.
- Confucius and the Analects Revisited: New Perspectives on Composition, Dating, and Authorship. Michael Hunter and Martin Kern.
- Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and the Making of Heritage. John Considine.
- Academy Dictionaries 1600-1800. John Considine.
- Sixteenth-Century English Dictionaries. John Considine.
- Caught in the Web of Words: James A. H. Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary. K. M. Elizabeth Murray.
- That Wonderful Composite Called Author: Authorship in East Asian Literature from the Beginnings to the Seventeenth Century. Christian Schwermann and Raji C. Steineck.
- Authorship and Cultural Identity in Early Greece and China: Patterns of Literary Circulation. Alexander Beecroft.
- Reading Sima Qian from Han to Song: The Father of History in Pre-Modern China. Esther Sunkyung Klein.
- Authorship and Text-Making in Early China. Hanmo Zhang.
- The Letter to Ren An and Sima Qian’s Legacy. Stephen Durrant, Wai-Yee Li, Michael Nylan, and Hans van Ess.
- Writing and Authority in Early China. Mark Edward Lewis.
- Rewriting Early Chinese Text. Edward L. Shaughnessy.
- Philosophy on Bamboo: Text and the Production of Meaning in Early China. Dirk Meyer.
- The Mozi as an Evolving Text: Different Voices in Early Chinese Thought. Carine Defoort and Nicholas Standaert.
- The Huainanzi and Textual Production in Early China. Sarah A. Queen and Michael Puett.
- The Wenzi: Creativity and Intertextuality in Early Chinese Philosophy. Paul van Els.
- The Making of Early Chinese Classical Poetry. Stephen Owen.
- Text and Ritual in Early China. Martin Kern.
- The Specter of the Archive: Political Practice and the Information State in Early Modern Britain. Nicholas Popper.
- Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture. Anthony Grafton.
- Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Immanuel Kant.
- 王弼集校釋. 樓宇烈.
- Chinese Phonology of the Wei-Chin Period: Reconstruction of the Finals as Reflected in Poetry. Ting Pang-hsin.
- The Craft of a Chinese Commentator: Wang Bi on the Laozi. Rudolf G. Wagner.
- A Chinese Reading of the Daodejing: Wang Bi’s Commentary on the Laozi with Critical Text and Translation. Rudolf G. Wagner. 2024.4.18.
- Language, Ontology, and Political Philosophy in China: Wang Bi’s Scholarly Exploration of the Dark (Xuanxue). Rudolf G. Wagner.
- Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. James Clear.
- The Republic of Plato. Allan Bloom trans.
- Poetics. Aristotle.
- Ars Poetica. Horace.
- The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness. Eric Jorgenson.
- 制造漢武帝:由漢武帝晚年政治形象的塑造看《資治通鑑》的歷史建構. 辛德勇.
- The Historian’s Craft. Marc Block.
- Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts. D. F. McKenzie.
- The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller. Carlo Ginzburg.
- On the Shortness of Life, Seneca.
- 簡帛古書與學術源流,李零.
- 獨斷,蔡邕.
- 古今註,崔豹.
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. J. K. Rowling.
- 漢書,班固.
- 後漢書,范曄.
- 鹽鐵論校注,王利器.
- 潛夫論箋校正,彭鐸.
- 東觀漢記校注,吳樹平.
- 越絕書校釋,李步嘉.
- 論衡校釋,黃暉.
- 七緯,趙在翰.
- 孔叢子校釋,傅亞庶.
- 孔子家語疏證,陳士珂.
- 說苑校證,向宗魯.
- 文書行政的漢帝國,富谷至.
- 重寫秦漢史:出土文獻的視野. 陳侃理主編.
- 木簡竹簡述說的古代中國—書寫材料的文化史. 富谷至.
- An Introduction to Political Philosophy. Jonathan Wolff.
- 隸變研究(修訂版).趙平安.
- 英國國家圖書館藏斯坦因所獲未刊漢文簡牘. 汪濤、胡平生、吳芳思.
- 疏勒河流域出土漢簡. 林梅村、李均明.
- 懸泉漢簡(貳).
- 懸泉漢簡(參).
- 敦煌懸泉月令詔條.
- 益陽兔子山七號井西漢簡牘.
- 長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘(捌).
- 長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘(柒).
- 長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘(壹).
- 長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘(貳).
- 長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘(参).
- 長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘(肆).
- 長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘(伍).
- 長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘(陸).
- 長沙尚德街東漢簡牘.
- 數之起源——中國數學史開章《筭數書》. 洪萬生等.
- 蘭臺萬卷:讀《漢書·藝文志》. 李零.
- 簡牘檢署考校注. 胡平生、馬月華.
- Literary Community in Early Imperial China: The Northwest Frontier in Han Times. Charles Sanft.
- Intellectual Activism in Knowledge Organization: A Hermeneutic Study of the Seven Epitomes. Lee Hur-Li.
- 中國小學史. 胡奇光.
- Stratifying Zhuangzi: Rhyme and Other Quantitative Evidence. David McCraw.
- 使西紀程. 郭嵩燾.
- A Manual for Writers of Research Paper, Theses, and Dissertation: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers. 9th ed. Kate L. Turabian. 2019-2024.10.23.
- 秦系文字研究:從漢字史的角度考察. 陳昭容. 2024.10.23-24.